Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

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Posted in Education / Maple Bear Global on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

Canada is known for its cold winters, friendly people and hockey.

Canada is also widely known as a country that continues to rank highly in Overall Best Countries to live and in Quality of Life (Survey conducted by US News and World Report, BAV Group and Wharton School of Business).

So, what makes Maple Bear Canadian?

Maple Bear is a reflection of the best of Canada AND Canadian education.


Bilingualism is a major cornerstone of Canadian life. The ability to communicate in both official languages is a compelling part of being a Canadian.

Since 1969, Canada has 2 official languages – English and French. For the last 50 years, Canada has developed a successful bilingual education program. With this experience, we are now seen as global leaders in bilingual education.

At Maple Bear, students study all academic subjects in either their native language or English, depending on the grade level. In addition, students begin learning English in pre-school using a student-focused English immersion learning system based on the Canadian educational pedagogy and best practices.


The term multiculturalism was born in Canada. In 1971, Canada officially became a multicultural society.

Multiculturalism is an important Canadian value because it benefits everyone. Canadians recognize that a diverse population of races, ethnic groups, languages and religions raises the level of respect and understanding within a society.

The thread of multiculturalism is also woven into the fabric of the Maple Bear curriculum. We encourage diverse perspectives and viewpoints in our teaching methods through collaboration and cooperation for preschool, elementary and high-school aged students.

There is no other educational brand that has the same scope of international presence as we do. We are proud of the fact that we have schools in over 20 countries around the world and make sure that diverse perspectives and cultures are appreciated, respected and celebrated in the classroom.


When he speaks to parents he meets around the world, Maple Bear co-founder Rodney Briggs constantly stresses this message: “We are not trying to turn your children into Canadians,” he says.

“We want them to become the best citizens of their own countries first and foremost. And that means learning to give back.”

A Maple Bear education instills the best of Canadian values—empathy and humility—which have helped make Canada and its citizens so welcoming of immigrants (we currently outpace the United States among other G-7 countries) and active members of multilateral organizations. Terry Fox runs for cancer research and local environmental initiatives are just two ways that Maple Bear students develop a social conscience.

Collaboration is another key Canadian value which Maple Bear’s business model has embraced for maximum social impact in the countries in which we operate. Maple Bear invests in a joint venture partnership wherever we operate to ensure—in the Canadian way — we can work together with local educators to align our curricula to meet national standards and regulations.


Our schools truly offer a unique blend of all the things that make Canada great. We have worked hard at taking the best of Canada and sharing these strengths through a relevant, effective and applicable education system suitable for any child around the world.

Maple Bear is the best of Canadian education for a global future.

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